Rethinking Spend Management: Mastering a continuous approach

Tired of scrambling? Nix the last-minute panic and rediscover your negotiation edge with a continuous spend management approach. While the procurement process is cyclical in nature, teams often treat it in a linear fashion. Typically, they only monitor purchases a few months (or weeks) ahead of the purchase or renewal, and then set-and-forget once signed.…

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Finance and Procurement: Unlock Hidden Value

Finance and Procurement: a partnership that is often undervalued. But 2024 may be the year where smooth collaboration brings the accomplishments of these teams to the surface. With the right strategies, finance and procurement can transform into an unstoppable force for cost savings, growth, and agility. Nick Mayes, Head of Finance at Productiv joins Michael…

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Finance and Procurement: Unlock Hidden Value

Finance and Procurement: a partnership that is often undervalued. But 2024 may be the year where smooth collaboration brings the accomplishments of these teams to the surface. With the right strategies, finance and procurement can transform into an unstoppable force for cost savings, growth, and agility. Nick Mayes, Head of Finance at Productiv joins Michael…

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Procurement 2024: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

The last few years have been tumultuous for procurement leaders – and that’s putting it lightly. Companies have had to navigate resource limitations, changing expectations, and increasingly complex economic challenges. All of this while teams are expanding their engagements with outside vendors and signing shorter term contracts. While it doesn’t feel like there is a…

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What is vendor relationship management? 

Image depicts SaaS sprawl

Companies rely on outside vendors to help reach their goals. However, few are dedicating the time to ensure the success of those vendor partnerships. By implementing an effective vendor relationship management strategy, companies can achieve measurable success and see faster return on investment.  What is vendor relationship management?  Vendor relationship management (VRM) is the process…

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Winter is coming: 8 tips for end of year procurement readiness

Winter is coming. It may have already arrived for some. And that means it is time for end of year madness. While we all know it is coming, few of us have the bandwidth and resources to properly plan for the influx of requests, the surprise renewals, and the quicker than possible turn time expectations.…

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