
Never miss a renewal. Stay one step ahead with easy to use, no-code workflows that integrate with all of your critical systems so you can bring teams together for smart negotiations with unbiased data.

Get intelligence about every purchase and show up to the negotiation table armed with unbiased data
Stay ahead of every review with automated reminders and bring your teams together around a single source of truth

Control spend by knowing exactly what you need and the fair price — and never miss an opportunity to save

Green Gradient Services

Manage all vendor contracts in one place

Easily view contract information such as application, licenses, end date, auto-renewal, and more to get the complete picture of contracts and spend.

Recommend and benchmark SaaS license spend

Validate SaaS license costs against pricing benchmarks and receive license recommendations for a stronger negotiating position.
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Get deeper SaaS spend insights

Gain a holistic view of SaaS spend across your portfolio. Then drill down to understand spend by app, vendor, category, and employee.

Identify SaaS cost optimization opportunities

Receive automated recommendations to best optimize SaaS spend based on employee app engagement to avoid license waste and costly true-ups.

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See how you measure up against your peers

Analyze data across your standard and custom segments. Then benchmark your SaaS portfolio and user engagement for even deeper insights.

Productiv is an integral part of the procurement workflow at Split. It’s our source of truth for app usage data and is key to driving cost savings during renewals.

Matt Roeckel

Director of IT & Information Security