The Productiv Platform

Built for what you have today. Ready for what you need tomorrow.

The only SaaS Management Platform that seamlessly integrates with your core operating systems, delivering data infused with AI to ensure every purchase, renewal, and governance decision is the right one.

The data you need to
control spend

You don’t have to keep leaving money on the table. Pair intelligent data with scalable processes and workflows that give you full visibility into what you're spending, where to save, and how to procure intelligently.

The insights you need to
reduce risk

Stop third-party risk at the door. Track compliance across your entire portfolio, while getting ahead of risk with intuitive vendor assessment workflows and insights at purchase and renewal.

The processes you need to
work smarter

Automate manual processes with no-code workflows. Bringing data and insights to your core processes means you get more time collaborating around information and making decisions that deliver value.

Get the job done with AI by your side.

Renewals Management
Purchase Management
App Access Management
Vendor Management
SaaS Management

Renewals Management

  • No-code, customizable workflows
  • Pricing benchmarks and usage data
  • 2-way integrations to collaborate across your tool stack, in one place
  • Custom alerts so you’ll never miss a renewal

Purchase Management

  • No-code, customizable workflows
  • Collaborative approvals
  • Seamless P2P integration

App Access Management

  • One source for business-approved tools
  • Intelligent app recommendations
  • Streamlined employee access and requests

Vendor Management

  • Vendor assessment workflows
  • Vendor insights
  • Compliance tracking

SaaS Management

  • Rightsizing recommendations
  • Automated license reclamation
  • Contract management
  • App usage intelligence
  • Shadow IT detection
  • Reporting analytics & insights

Don’t settle for less.

Procure with ease

Scale best-in-class purchasing with intelligent integrations, intuitive workflows and intelligent data. Quickly procure anything you need while maintaining governance.

Manage intelligently

One platform for everything you have. Get visibility into what you own, data for how it’s being used, manage app access with ease, and automate action that delivers outcomes.

Renew with confidence

Never miss a renewal. Get smart recommendations, negotiation insights with benchmarks, and seamlessly integrate with your core business systems for fast collaboration.

“With Productiv, we now make much better decisions, and much more proactive decisions. We have shifted our workload so we are doing high-value work for Uber. The team is working more on strategy and what to do next, instead of just pulling the data.”

Shobhana Ahluwalia

Shobhana Ahluwalia

Former CIO, Uber

One Team. One Dream.

Automate. Align. Take Action.


The demands on Procurement are growing rapidly. You deserve to be armed with tools that empower you to be effective and efficient. Gone are the days of spreadsheets, missing data, and siloed decisions. With Productiv, you can:

  • Automate: Provide self-service models while maintaining governance to policy & process with no-code workflows
  • Align: Bring all players to the Procurement table, around one source of truth for data powered decisions
  • Action: Make quick spend decisions based on reliable, non-biased data and recommendations
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Discover. Mitigate. Create Impact.

IT & Security

Today, there are more apps, more spend, and more time spent managing software portfolios. As visibility decreases, risk increases. You need easy visibility into every app and every purchase, and to understand exactly how your portfolio is being leveraged. With Productiv, you can:

  • Discover: Automatically discover with one 360 degree real-time view of your entire portfolio
  • Mitigate: Leverage no-code workflows to ensure you review requests before purchase
  • Create Impact: Save time, execute audits, and avoid risk with an intelligent understanding of app usage, and data-informed rightsizing
Save. Strategize. See ROI.


Finance is often forced to be reactive with procurement. Requests come in late and half-baked, preventing you from being strategic with budget and planning. This rushed motion results in the same question: "what did we leave on the table?" With Productiv, you can:

  • Save: Validate the right price with benchmarking and unbiased AI recommendations for renewals
  • Strategize: Plan for the future with complete spend transparency, automated reminders, and a central source of truth
  • See ROI: Know how your teams are using your portfolio to maximize ROI from each and every purchase
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Know. Collaborate. Get Productiv.

One team

Getting what you need to do your job can be cumbersome. The processes, the systems, the budgets. What if there was one place to get what you need, when you need it, while meeting you in the systems where you work? Now, that’s Productiv:

  • Know: With intelligent insights and AI powered recommendations, you'll know what you need to know to make a purchase or access an app – none of the fluff
  • Collaborate: Work alongside your teammates and colleagues with easy to use integrations and workflows that meet you in your most critical systems
  • Get Productiv: Leave the heavy lifting to no-code workflows and remove yourself from the back and forth, allowing you to focus on getting your job done