5 Steps to Optimize Your SaaS Portfolio for the Perfect Fit

SaaS Portfolio Optimization

Is your SaaS portfolio bursting at the seams? Managing SaaS is a bit like being a tailor. For years, IT has been letting out the seams of the SaaS portfolio to accommodate line-of-business requests and the rising demand for use-anywhere apps. Now things have gotten a bit out of hand — the average company has…

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5 Shadow IT Stats That Businesses Should Know in 2024

In the not-too-distant past, Shadow IT was a fairly straightforward problem. IT was solely responsible for managing business tools, and apps not managed or owned by IT (AKA Shadow IT) created fragmentation and posed a security threat. So IT tamped down on them. Today, the issue of Shadow IT is much less clear-cut. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)…

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