Webinar: How IT Leaders Can Eliminate SaaS Waste Through Greater Visibility

Webinar: How IT leaders can eliminate SaaS waste through greater visibility

Online Event
January 20, 2023 | 12:00 am
Webinar: How IT Leaders Can Eliminate SaaS Waste Through Greater Visibility

Webinar: How IT leaders can eliminate SaaS waste through greater visibility

Online Event
January 20, 2023

Inefficient SaaS spend is a growing issue for many organizations. In fact, Gartner estimates up to 55% of SaaS spend is wasted. With a single source of truth for SaaS portfolio insights, IT leaders can bring teams together to maximize ROI by reducing application overlap, rightsizing licenses, and leading data-driven renewals.

Listen in as Jim Fazzone, Senior Director of IT at FloQast, and Munish Gandhi, Co-Founder and COO at Productiv, chat about how cross team alignment and total SaaS visibility leads to impressive cost savings.

They cover how to:

  • Align your organization with full visibility into your SaaS portfolio
  • Use employee app usage insights to rightsize your investments
  • Establish a continuous strategy for SaaS cost optimization

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