The Secret to Smarter SaaS Management: What Employees Want

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Overall IT may decrease by 8% past 2020, but SaaS spend (as a portion of overall IT) increased from 9% to 14%. So your overall IT spend may decrease, but SaaS is an important area for growth. How many of your critical applications run on SaaS? Can you imagine your business without Zoom, or Slack,…

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4 Questions with Sheel Patel, Head of Strategic Sourcing & Procurement at Okta

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Today’s procurement focus isn’t just about policing expenditures. Organizations are increasingly turning to procurement as a strategic enabler — serving as a gateway that supports the processes and tools that will allow an organization to scale and grow. In today’s corporate ecosystem, procurement must find alignment with both Finance and IT departments in order to…

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4 Questions with Sumit Johar, CIO MobileIron

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For MobileIron, a security-focused company where 98% of business assets live in the cloud, the Software-as-a-Service model is key to survival. CIO Sumit Johar believes that the increased speed and scale of deployment has also escalated the need to find better ways to manage the SaaS portfolio. Here’s a closer look at how he’s using…

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Are you a Google or Microsoft shop? The data says you’re both

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There’s no doubt that the contest between using Google vs Microsoft in the workplace is a heated one. From visual interface to functionality, many people find themselves drawn to one side or the other. And when employees are forced to bat for the other team, there’s usually a series of struggles in getting used to…

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SaaS Management in Action: The Hands-On Guide for IT Leaders

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How many SaaS apps do you have, and how do you manage them all? For many companies, those aren’t questions they can answer easily. They don’t know how many SaaS apps they have, and when it comes to SaaS management, it’s either done poorly, or it’s nonexistent. In this post, we’ll explore how IT leaders…

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4 Questions with Sumo Logic’s Ajit Deshpande

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High-growth startups are discerning when it comes to bringing the right people on board. This is often the first priority so that the right systems and processes can be created that will carry the organization forward. The next priority is to decide how to take that team and scale upward to become a true enterprise.…

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What to Look Out For in a SaaS Agreement

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Software companies create SaaS agreements to lay out their legal terms and conditions for customers using the software. However, these tools aren’t just beneficial for the provider. Subscribers should also understand the purpose of a SaaS agreement and be aware of the language that could impact the way they use their software investments. Let’s look…

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How Data-Driven SaaS Contract Management Can Reduce Your Costs

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Admit it: you’ve clicked the “I have read the Terms and Conditions” checkbox on a SaaS contract before without actually reading the terms and conditions. It’s become such a standard process that 91% of people steamroll this step and don’t give it a second glance. As an average consumer, your concerns stop once you click that box.…

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