Customer Success Chronicles: Productiv + UTA

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I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Christopher Johnson (CJ), Technology Adoption Manager at United Talent Agency (UTA). No surprise based on CJ’s role, UTA’s primary use case with Productiv is application adoption and enablement. It’s been really exciting to build our partnership and see a customer dive right in to our advanced engagement…

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What 4 Million Slack Messages Tell Us About Collaboration

What value is your company getting out of Slack? We’ve got the data. Using engagement analytics from Productiv’s SaaS Management platform, we looked at over 4,000,000 Slack messages across approximately 40,000 users. We compared this data to a similar number of messages from companies using other messaging tools. From this data we pulled concrete observations around how enterprises…

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How SaaS spend management can help your business cut costs

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  In the enterprise, “doing more with less” has become a way of life. Decision-makers must find places to cut costs. While it seems that SaaS applications would offer cost savings because they have lower total cost of ownership, that’s only true if your employees are getting the most out those apps. That’s where SaaS…

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What Are Redundant Apps and How Can You Spot Them Using Productiv?

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When Apple launched its famous “There’s an app for that” campaign to promote the power of the iPhone, it was only an inkling of how apps would forever change the way we do business. Now, SaaS apps have taken the place of most traditional software tools, and for good reason. Rather than paying for single…

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Announcing Productiv Essentials, our Free SaaS Management Offering

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I’m very excited to officially announce Productiv Essentials, our new free offering on the Productiv SaaS Management Platform.   As of today we’re opening up early access, and we will soon make it generally available to companies everywhere. Why provide a free SaaS Management alternative? In a few short years, Productiv has come to lead the…

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How to Reduce Costs & Boost Productivity with Productiv

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Software, software, software — much like the location mantra chanted by real estate agents, software is arguably a business’s most important weapon. SaaS management software ensures your software as a service applications simplify daily operations in a cost-effective way, improve employee productivity, and give you a competitive advantage. But is there such a thing as…

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